Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Candice!

As many of you know, or now realize, Candice and I are co-owners of Sweet Water Event Rentals, and best friends behind the scenes. So, of course, I couldn't let her birthday slide by without today's blog post being all about her. Candice and I met 10 years ago during the second day of our freshman math course. Over the last decade, we have been through marriages, cross state and cross country moves, births, deaths, graduations, ski trips, business plans and more cellular minutes than our husbands are aware of. She was the genius behind the development of Sweet Water, and has also built an immensely successful photography business. Candice Elaine Photography is fun, it's fresh and it is built on the concept that posing and 1, 2, 3 smile is a thing of the past. Her photography is natural and beautiful-and will occupy a blog post of it's own in the weeks to come! Manolo Blahnik had planned on a career in set design until the great socialite and fashion editor Diana Vreeland saw his drawings and declared, "Do shoes, young man. They'll look different from anyone else's." So is the story of Miss Candice-a nurse by degree, and a photographer and entrepreneur by passion and talent. She sees things that most people don't, has unparalleled passion, and is the kind of woman and artist I aspire to be. So happy birthday beautiful girl! You make the world an amazing place.

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